Farewell to the My Way Man
In a few short hours, our My Way Man will make his exit, and whether it is true or not that , My Way is his favourite song or not; it is probably the best song that describes the Man of the hour. In his retirement, which we hope will be long and fruitful as his 22 years at the helm of our Government have been, he will have plenty of time to reflect and ponder over all that he had said and done and all the blows that he had received.
The past many many days, tributes have been pouring in for him over all forms of the media and there is little need to add further.
What is left is to wish him Happy Days Ahead and A Well Earned Retirement and hope that he will be true and continue doing things My Way now that he will be out of our way. As he has told us that while toiling for us and the nation these past 22 years, he has been rather short of that commodity called sleep, lets also wish him Happy, Sleepful and Peaceful Nights

And now, the end is near;
And so I face the final curtain.
My friend, I'll say it clear,
I'll state my case, of which I'm certain.........
Liar, Liar BUSH
It was recently when Dr M more or less called Bush a liar over the rebuke regarding Dr M's OIC speech.

Now American protesters who are against US presence in Iraq have joineed in to call
Bush : Liar, Liar.
AFP reported that some 25,000 stage anti-Iraq war protests in Washington, and San Francisco. Among the placards carried by the marchers were those saying ::
"End the Occupation of Iraq", "Money for Schools, Not War", "Bush lied;" "Bush is looting the future;" and "No war for empire."Among the protesters to take the microphone at the rally near the White House, were Democratic presidential contender
Al Sharpton and former US attorney general
Ramsey Clark.
Clark, a fervent supporter of left-wing causes since he served under President Lyndon Johnson from 1967-1969,
demanded Bush be impeached, saying the president
"has made us international outlaws".
In San Francisco, former Georgia representative
Cynthia McKinney and action movie star
Danny Glover condemned the Bush government's policies at home and in the Middle East.
After being called such and having been subjected to much criticisms by Americans and others, will
Bush's chances be bleak come election yaer. It is hard to predict, for look what
did in California after so much muck was digged up regarding his past. We may yet get to see more of President Bushliar in the years to come.
Family Life Education and Guidance(The Taboo Subject : Sex Education and Guidance)

At the launch of the National Poster Competition 2003 in conjunction with
World Population Day, our
Women and Family Development Minister Datuk Seri Shahrizat Abdul Jalil had this to say ::
"Parents must learn to be frank with their children about issues like unwanted pregnancies and sexually transmitted diseases". She also urged the
Education Ministry to include
reproductive health as a subject in school, said parents could come in to help with the
mental, emotional and psychological aspect of the issue.
Whether one calls it reproductive health education, family life education or simply sex education, it is time the
Ministry of Education introduces it in schools. Sex education should no longer be a taboo subject. The incidence of unwanted, unplanned teenager pregnancies, teen marriages and teenagers having sexually transmitted diseases are on the increase. And before these get even worse, steps have to be taken to nip these in the bud.
Without the
Ministry taking positive steps, the teens are going to get their information on such topics from magazines and peers and of course in this age of ICT from the
NET. Without proper guidance and support from the family, the information they get may be improperly understood and applied.
Sex education is not about just sex and reproduction alone, it is much more. Sex education may be said to be the process of acquiring information and forming attitudes and beliefs about sex, sexual identity, relationships and intimacy and also includes knowledge on reproductive health, contraception and family life. Empowering our teens about these topics can protect them from potentially negative outcomes of their sexual behaviour. Negative outcomes include the following ::
sexual abuse, sexual exploitation, unintended pregnancies, sexually transmitted diseases and HIV/AIDS. Our teens should also be taught to acquire skills on how to communicate effectively, negotiate, make decision, listen and how to acquire further life skills and knowledge, skills which will help them in later living.
Already reproduction is being taught within the subject of science in our lower secondary classes and this may be an appropriate time to introduce the basic topics on sex education to our school children. They are at an age when
puberty has started or about to and may have the initial stirrings and yearnings to know more about their own sexuality. In the upper secondary classes, they may then be introduce gradually to more indepth topics as the hormones start raging and surging. And finally before they leave school, they may be counselled on various other skills before they venture further into the marriage market. Already there have been suggestions to have
premarital counseling for all.
Datuk Seri Shahrizat Abdul Jalil must be commended and we must join in to urge the
Ministry to no longer consider
sex education as a taboo subject and have it introduce for the school children. Parents will have to play their rightful role and complement the schools in ensuring that the education their children received is not devoid of those attributes which only parents can provide.
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