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Saturday, March 27, 2004

The PM new bigger streamlined Cabinet
Oh, What a Bloody Letdown

The much awaited new Cabinet has finally been announced by the newly elected PM. Much is expected of his cabinet lineup to see that all promises made are kept. A bigger mandate was asked for, and a bigger mandate has been given, now he must gather good men around him to carry out the good work for the people. The new lineup can be seen here.

These are the headlines and initial responses to the announcement of the New Cabinet ::
  • An enlarged cabinet, merging some ministries and creating new ones::Malaysiakini
  • Abdullah Introduces New Faces, Sweeping Changes To Cabinet::Bernama
  • New Cabinet announced::The Star
  • Pak Lah announces new cabinet::The Sun
  • Three ministries split, five others renamed::NST
  • Few changes in Abdullah's new cabinet::The Straits Times

If one cares to look carefully at the New Cabinet, there is little change from the one Tun M had. Many of the old faces are around to haunt us and can we really expect them to help carry out and keep those promises made by Pak Lah in the previous 4 months. Among the famous oldies are Datuk Seri Samy, Datuk Seri Rafidah, Datuk Seri Lim KY, and too many more to name. Our former Tourism minister of the patriotic flag raising fame is the newly minted Information MINIster and he is going to be ably assisted by the former media/propaganda advisor, the new Merbouk MP. The former law MINIster has found his way to the Arts and now we have an Higher Education MINIster and presumbly a lower Education MINIster or what. The former Entrepreneur Development Minister Nazri Abdul Aziz, of the taxi lesen fame, has been reined in and retained as a MINIster in the PM department.

Two MINIsters have been dropped, Datuk Jimmy Chua (of the SARS and Nipah fame) has been replaced by a MBBS Health MINIster, Datuk Chua SL; the MINIster of the Taiping 4 fame, after being monkeyed has also been dropped ie Datuk Law Hieng Deng.

There are now 34 ministers in his new Cabinet, up from 29, and the Prime Minister said 14 of them are new faces. There was also an increase of women representatives and younger people. For the new faces, see whether you can spot them here.

It looks like a lot of us have been had, the New Cabinet looks pretty like the old cabinet and we can expect more of the same. This blogger certainly don't have much faith in what the PM has to say regarding this new lineup :: 'All these changes are made to ensure effective and efficient government service. The economy will benefit from the changes.' Did he mention incorruptible government service?

The Straits Times has this to say ::
But the top functions stayed the same, especially for elders of Umno.
The Cabinet announcement was sure to disappoint critics who called for a wholesale shakeup of the government to bring in new blood and root out alleged corruption from the Mahathir era

Oh yes, one more thing, there has been no public declaration of assets by those in the New Cabinet, as yet. Zero Corruption on the way IN/OUT? Worrying point number in the new lineup is that the former MINIstry of Home Affairs has been split into two :: Home Affairs and Internal Security. NO money for guessing who is the MINIster of Internal Security, it looks like the ISA and the gamut of other anti-human rights laws and acts are here to stay. Can Pak Lah really now look into our eyes and say that he is working with you and me, for me and you? Oh, what a bloody letdown.

LONE's rantings for all interested, COMMENTS/KOPI-0s welcomed. Comments are solely the views of their makers
MALAYSIA, a great place to be in, BUT we can, will and must make HER better.
You may say I'm a dreamer but I'm not the only one
I hope someday you'll join us
And the world will be as one.
IMAGINE:youtube::John Lennon

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