Markers of Coronary Heart Disease
Coronary heart disease is one of the main cause of deaths in the developed country and its incidence in the developing countries is also on the increase.
More than 5 or 6 years ago, blood tests for risks of heart disease, would consists of measuring the following parameters viz total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol(bad cholesterol) , HDL cholesterol(good cholesterol) and triglycerides. Of those 4 parameters, having low levels are good except for HDL cholesterol. If your total and LDL cholesterols were high, you were first advised lifestyle changes, advised more exercises and diet changes. After these changes and the parameters do not fall appropiately, drugs to lower cholesterols and triglycerides were started.
It was found that there are patients who suffered heart attacks despite normal levels of the 4 parameters. In time to come, a new marker for heart disease emerged. This is homocysteine, a byproduct of protein metabolism. Individual who have high levels of homocysteine were more prone to heart attacks. The B vitamins and folic acid can lower this marker.
Again despite, lowering of cholesterols, triglycerides and homocysteine, there were still individuals who were noted to succumb to heart attacks. Medical research then pointed to an inflammatory cause for the blockage of arteries especially those supplying blood to the heart. The next marker to appear next is called C-reactive protein or CRP. Levels of CRP is said to be a good indicator. It falls fairly rapidly after the patients exercise effectively.
The latest marker to appear on the horizon is Lp-PLA2, this is another indicator of inflammation. In patients with low cholesterol, but high levels of Lp-PLA2, they were twice as likely to develop heart disease, said lead researcher Dr. Christie Ballantyne of Baylor College of Medicine. Add another measure of risk — a high level of C-reactive protein — to a high Lp-PLA2 level, and the risk of heart disease tripled, he said. Like CRP, Lp-PLA2 can now be measured by commercial test-kits. There are also other inflammatory markers like NT-proBNP and Troponin T awaiting for commercial test-kits. Together all these markers will aid in assessment of heart disease risks for patients with normal or low levels of cholesterol.{Be Heart Conscious, Eat Healthy, Live Healthy & Exercise Daily}Recommended Heart Links :
Gorillas in the limelight
More news on those 4 illegal gorillas or "The Taiping Four" as they are now called, in Taiping Zoo, they are in the limelight again. The MPT, which runs Taiping Zoo, is said to have spent Rm 300,000 in purchasing those illegal Taiping Four, some Rm 600,000 was also spent to built the enclosure which is no longer needed and more on their upkeep. Now the Taiping Four are said to be sent to the National Zoological Gardens in Pretoria, SA. Taiping Zoo hopes that the offsprings of these illegals would be sent back to Taiping Zoo in the future. What is eventually hope for is that these illegals will produce legal offsprings which can then contribute to the zoo attractions!

Sahabat Alam Malaysia or
SAM is not happy with this
decision and would prefer the 4 baby gorillas to be sent to a rehabilitation sanctuary where they can be trained and eventually returned to the wild.
SAM thinks that the welfare of the gorillas should be the first consideration and not benefits to Taiping Zoo, what is illegal to start with should not be turned legit.
SAM has suggested the
Limbe Wildlife Centre in Cameroon for the baby gorillas, here they can be rehabilitated and eventually returned to where they belong. Renowned primatologist
Dr Jane Goodall had written to the Minister of Science Technology and the Environment, last October urging the minister to deliver the gorillas to
Limbe, a move which she reckoned would discourage further commercial trade in the highly endangered species. The Minister Datuk Law should see that the right thing is done. He should also ensure that the culprits in the scandal do not escape scot-free. This scandal has brought
Taiping Zoo, the
MPT and
Malaysia instant "fame" for all the wrong conservation reasons.
See this previous blog :
Law Monkeyed and also this
Star article---Gorillas going to Pretoria.
Bail Watch 00 to 08
It looks like Anwar will not be getting his day in court today. According to this news flash from Malaysiakini. Anwar's counsel, Karpal Singh is unwell and has been admitted to hospital. Hope he gets well soon.
The case is now postponed to 22nd July.
According to the report, the prosecution has filed an affidavit in which they have stated more reasons why Anwar should not be granted bail. Among them are that he would continue to commit offences if he was released.. Are they not expecting too much of a wheelchair bound guy. Or are there going to be more verbal rather than the other forms of offences expected. We do have very highly imaginative prosecutors, who certainly can let their imaginasi run wild! Update : In opposing Anwar's bail, the Attorney-General’s Chambers stated that there is nothing to guarantee that Anwar will not commit any offence while free on bail. The chambers must be really scraping the bottom of the barrel/chambers in trying to come up with reasons to oppose bail!
Bail Watch 00---J-DAY for Anwar & ISA 7Today, the 14th of July, will see both Anwar and the ISA7 have their day in court. We pray and hope that
justice will be done.