If July was the Bersih month, August is starting to look like the month for Christian bashing. Some three months ago, someone started a rumour of a conspiracy that Christians were going to take over BolehLand and installed a Christian PM. Now there are rumours that there is proselytisation of Muslims is on the way in BolehLand and once again Christians are being blamed. When will this bashing ends.
Inevitably when such controversy arises the name of Hasan Ali and Tan Sri Harussani Zakaria will crop up.
Related articles ::
It started with Multi-racial dinner at DUMC which was raided by Jais.
The validity of the raid was questioned by many.
Hasan Ali backs Jais raid and says "Quran" and "Pray" were used in front of Muslims.
Bar council says no law against muslims in churches, then later says that 1988 Selangor state law allows Jais to act against non-muslims.
Meanwhile, Berita Harian alleged today that Christian organizations are carrying out covert missions to convert poverty-stricken Muslims.
Berita Harian continues with its claims of sustained church efforts to convert in this article :: Pujukan gereja.
The rakyat awaits for the PM and his cabinet for the truth about this latest religious controversy.
Finally, after so, so many, many years; Malaysians is seeing the return of the 3rd vote. Even if it is just the election of a village head.
Selangor's Pulau Ketam held the election of its village head, the first local election since 1965.
The village also scored another first in Malaysian history by the use of indelible ink in the voting process to prevent election fraud.
There is hope that one day, in the not distant future, Malaysians will once again get to exercise their rights to the 3rd vote with the return of local council elections. For that to happen we need real change first.
Related article :;
Pulau Ketam scores first in using indelible ink
Labels: 3rd Vote, Change, Pulau Ketam
|Labels: EO/PSM 6 Jeyakumar
|The Malaysian Insider has just reported the passing away of Titiwangsa MP Dr Lo' Lo'.
A text message from her mobile phone number was sent to The Malaysian Insider stating that she died at 10.13pm.
PAS vice-president Salahuddin Ayub confirmed the death when contacted by The Malaysian Insider.
It is understood that the first-term MP will be buried at 8am tomorrow.
A lost to Pakatan and the constituents of Titiwangsa.
Labels: Dr Lo' Lo', Titiwangsa
Press statement for the immediate release of Dr Jeyakumar Devaraj
Jul 17, 2011 17 JULY
We, the undersigned doctors, including members of the Malaysian Medical Association (Perak Branch), and/or the Perak Medical Practitioners Society
1. are very concerned and troubled over the prolonged ‘illegal’ detention of our colleague Dr. Jeyakumar Devaraj.
2. are concerned for Dr Jeyakumar’s health, which seems to be deteriorating under detention.
3. are deeply saddened, hurt and disillusioned by the action of the Judiciary (which is supposed to be to be independent) which on 13/07/2011 delayed the hearing date of habeas corpus application of Dr Jeyakumar and five others by a month.
We urge the immediate release of our colleague, who is also the Member of Parliament Sungai Siput, Dr Jeyakumar Devaraj.
Dr Jeyakumar and five other Socialist Party of Malaysia (PSM) members were ‘illegally’ detained under the Emergency Ordinance recently. They have been placed in a cruel and unjust situation. They were first accused of waging war against the King and now of being a threat to national security, allegedly trying to revive communist ideology. They are subjected to interrogation and solitary confinement, denied proper visitation rights with their lawyers and close family members. This is of course unacceptable in a civil and democratic society.
We say that the detention is ‘illegal’ because till today, there is no solid and substantiated basis for the continued detention of Dr Jeyakumar Devaraj and five of his PSM colleagues.
We scarcely need reminding that Article 5 (1) of our Federal Constitution says no person shall be deprived of his life or personal liberty save in accordance with the law.
Malaysia sits on the Human Rights Council. The Malaysian government must do justice to its position on this council by according and recognising the human rights of Dr. Jeyakumar and his team who are under ‘illegal’ detention. The least that the Malaysian government can do is to live up to the ideals of Human Rights Council ─ and not violate the very rights that the government has been charged to defend steadfastly.
In view of this obligation, it will be totally unjustified to continue the ‘illegal’ detention of Dr Jeyakumar and his team without giving them a fair trial in court. The Government should do justice to its position on this Council and convince Malaysians that there is no malice on their part. Denying Dr Jeyakumar and his team the right to defend themselves is denying them justice.
Therefore, we urge the Government, especially the home minister, to release Dr. Jeyakumar and his team immediately.
It is pertinent to emphasise that we are strictly apolitical and are acting as colleagues of Dr Jeyakumar, who is also an active and much respected member of the MMA, whose family is much respected for the outstanding social work it does. Dr Jeyakumar family has contributed enormously towards the development of the healthcare services in our country.
The Government has rightly spoken much about transformation and change, and this is something every loyal citizen endorses. But what appear to be the deployment of Cold War tactics by resurrecting the “communist” and “foreign” bogeyman on political rivals in these days only serves to dissuade the public that the government is earnest in its efforts to bring about civil changes that would be in line with first world societies.
Those who know Dr Jeyakumar personally will readily vouch for his integrity, his passion for the poor and his principled, patient and peaceful approach. He is neither a communist nor a violent man who could be a serious threat to the country. For the record, Dr Jeyakumar is a highly dedicated physician who has had excellent service record while he was working in the Ministry of Health and a tireless social advocate and activist who has worked throughout his life to help and protect the rights of the poor, the marginalised and the forgotten communities in the society. All those who know Dr. Jeyakumar speak highly of his work and commitment to the people. How could someone with such immaculate professional standing and exemplary be an enemy to the country! The home minister must make every effort to secure the immediate release of Dr Jeyakumar and do justice to both his ministerial duties and to Dr Jeyakumar.
1. Dr N Prasad /Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon
2. Dr Sharifah Halimah Jaafar /Consultant Obstetrician & Gynaecologist
3. Dr Ko Chung Sen /Consultant CardioThoracic Surgeon
4. Dr T. Vesvanathan /Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon
5. Dr Loh Choong Sing /Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon
6. Dr Wong Choon Heng /Consultant Gastroenterologist
7. Dr Foo Chang Ling /Consultant Surgeon
8. Dr Goh Guan Chai /Consultant Surgeon
9. Dr Goh Phaik Kee /Consultant Anaesthetist
10. Dr Lee Mun Toong /Consultant Ophthalmologist
11. Dr Leong Chin Leng /Consultant Ortho Surgeon
12. Dr Ting Cheh Sing /Consultant General Surgeon
13. Dr Chin Yow Wen /Respiratory Physician
14. Dr Dev Teo Chin Nee /Consultant Geriatrician
15. Dr Usha Devi Balaguru /Consultant Obstetrician & Gynaecologist
16. Dr Chakr Sri Na Nagara /Consultant Obstetrician & Gynaecologist
17. Dr Teoh Soong Kee /Consultant Obstetrician & Gynaecologist
18. Dr Jasmine Lau /Consultant Paediatrician
19. Dr Adeline Tan Ai Leen /Consultant Paediatrician
20. Dr David Manickam /Consultant Paediatrician
21. Dr Giritharan /Consultant Physician
22. Dr Yeoh Thiam Long /Consultant Physician
23. Dr Hasral bin Mohd Hasni /Consultant Cardiologist
24. Dr Liew San Foi /Consultant Paediatrician
25. Dr Go Kuan Weng /Consultant Nephrologist
26. Dr Divakaran TG /Consultant Obstetrician & Gynaecologist
27. Dr Lam Fook Shin /Consultant Eye Surgeon
28. Dr Lee Boon Chye /Consultant Cardiologist
29. Dr Meor Ahmad /Consultant Radiologist
30. Dr Ong Teong Onn /Consultant Radiologist
31. Dr Mahendra Mano /Consultant Surgeon
32. Dr A. Naidu /Consultant Obstetrician & Gynaecologist
33. Datuk Dr S Jenagaratnam /Consultant Anaesthetist
34. Dr Lu Luan /Consultant Obstetrician & Gynaecologist
35. Dr Fauziah Khairudin /Consultant Nephrologist
36. Dr Susan King /Consultant Paediatrician
37. Dr Lee Kim Seng /Consultant Paediatrician
38. Dr Ranjoth Singh /Consultant Obstetrician & Gynaecologist
39. Dr Yap Foo Ngan /Consultant Family Physician
40. Dr Esther Gunaserali /Consultant Psychiatrist
41. Dr Chan Chee Hoe /Consultant Physician
42. Dr P. Moganarajoo /Consultant O & G
43. Datuk (Dr ) K.S Sivananthan /Consultant Ortho-Surgeon
44. Dr Yeap Yean Lian /Consultant Surgeon
45. Dr William Tan Kah Wee /Consultant Physician
46. Dr Wong Chong Yuan /Consultant Physician
47. Dr Yeat Siew Eng /Consultant ENT Surgeon
48. Dr Choong Choon Hooi /Consultant Physician & Cardiologist
49. Dr Chong Swee Woon /Consultant Psychiatrist
50. Dr Koh Wai Keat /Consultant Geriatrician
51. Dr Surinderjit Singh Gill /Consultant Ophthalmologist
52. Dr Kumar Thiyagarajah /Consultant Ortho-Surgeon
53. Dr Raveendran Kandiah /Consultant Ortho-Surgeon
54. Dr Minseh Kimin /Consultant Radiologist
55. Dr Ishak Abu Bakar /Consultant Radiologist
56. Dr Ng Yew Sang /Consultant Nephrologist
57. Dr Tan Huat Chai /Consultant Cardiologist
58. Dr Mok Chung /Consultant Ortho-Surgeon
59. Dr Shaidan Sulaiman /Consultant Anaesthetist
60. Dr Hj Ahmad Adlan Nuruddin /Consultant O & G
61. Dr Sumathi Anandaraj /Senior Medical Officer
62. Dr Ooi Tian Su /Consultant O&G
63. Dr Yeak Siew Tin /Consultant Ortho-Surgeon
64. Dr Loo Kok Lim /Consultant Rheumatologist
65. Dr Ruslan Razak /Consultant Ortho-Surgeon
66. Dr Philip Ho /Consultant Cardiologist
67. Dr Leow Aik Ming /Consultant Plastic Surgeon
68. Dr Katheleen Yap /Consultant Neurologist
69. Dr Kevin Joseph /Consultant Cardiologist
70. D Sumithra /Consultant Surgeon
71. Dr Inderjit Singh /Consultant Cardiologist
72. Dr Uma Karthigasu /Consultant Radiologist
73. Dr Jevan Gunaselan /Senior Medical Officer
74. Datuk Dr SK Rathi /Consultant Dermatologist
75. Dr Koh Chan Sing /Consultant Cardiologist
76. Dr Aznan /Radiologist
77. Datuk Dr Andrew Chua Seng Boon /Consultant Gastroenterologist
78. Dr Michael Joseph /Consultant Cardiologist
79. Dr Teh Hiok Seng /Consultant Haematologist
80. Dr Lee Boon Ping /Consultant General Surgeon
81. Dr Lee Haik Teong /Consultant Paediatrician
82. Dr Kuldeep Singh /Consultant Paediatrician
83. Dr Jeyabalan /Consultant Obstetrician & Gynaecologist
84. Dr Cheong Soo Tow /Consultant Paediatrician
85. Dr Lim Wee Yoong /Consultant Paediatrician
86. Dr Suppramaniam /Consultant Ortho-Surgeon
87. Dr Harvinder Singh /Consultant ENT
88. Dr Loo Chin Sum /Consultant Nephrologist
89. Dr Thomas Haris /Consultant Anaesthetist
90. Dr Ng Seng Lew /Consultant General Surgeon
91. Dr Anandaraj /Consultant Obstetrician & Gynaecologist
92. Dr N. Jeevaraj /Consultant General Surgeon
93. Dr V. Mannimanan /Consultant Urologist
94. Dr Loke Yee Peng /Consultant Anaesthetist
95. Dr Vinod Kumar /Senior Medical Officer
96. Dr Azhar /Senior Medical Officer
97. Dr Lam Kuan Kin /General Practioner
98. Dr Tan Kim Khian /General Practioner
99. Dr Lim Boon Pin /General Practioner
100. Dr Lian Chin Chew /General Practioner
101. Dr Chan Yee Ming /General Practioner
102. Dr Kok Yuan Sing /General Practioner
103. Dr Chee See Choke /General Practioner
104. Dr Soo Kam Chiew /General Practioner
105. Dr Abdul Malik /General Practioner
106. Dr Leong Poh Nam /General Practioner
107. Dr Lau Sau Khuen /General Practioner
109. Dr Chin Kit Kong /General Practioner
110. Dr Doong Hock Yuen /General Practioner
111. Dr Khairuddin /General Practioner
112. Dr Lee Nik Hooi /General Practioner
113. Dr Cheah Saw Imm /General Practioner
114. Dr Kamalanathan /General Practioner
115. DR Arunash /General Practioner
116. Dr Kwok Hou Phin /General Practioner
117. Dr Rita Leow /General Practioner
118. Dr Paizah Ramli /General Practioner
119. Dr Uma Devi Arunasalam /General Practioner
120. Datuk Dr Sarjeet Singh Sidhu /Ob Gyn Specialist
121. Datuk Dr Subramaniam /Consultant Plastic Surgeon
122. Dr Lai Thian Seong /GP
123. Dr Chew Teik Chye /GP
124. Dr Lim Tee Jin /GP
125. Dr Teoh Lee Yong /GP
126. Dr Ho Kok Hin /GP
127. Dr Hoo Thoun Ting /GP
128. Dr P. Raghavan /GP
129. Prof. Dr Jackie Ho /Consultant Paediatrician & Neonatologist
130. Dr Seet Chee Lin /GP
131. Dr Kek Kim Huat /GP
132. Dr P F Gill /GP
133. Dr T. M. Ong /GP
134. Dr C W Ong /GP
135. Dr Nagara /GP
136. Dr S Subramaniam /GP
137. Dr Chew Keat Eng /GP
138. Dr Ting Seo Leong /GP & President, Perak Medical Practitioners’ Society
139. Dr Ling Hee Huong /GP
140. Dr Lee See Chee /GP
141. Dr Diong Ko Ing /GP
142. Dr Ling Yok King /GP
143. Dr V.Gurunathan /GP
144. Dr Ching Lee Kee /GP
145. Dr Suresh Sammanathamurthy /Orthopaedic Surgeon
146. Dr Gurdep Singh /GP
147. Dr Teoh S K /GP
148. Dr Harbaskg Singh /GP
149. Dr Suppaiyah /GP
150. Dr Wong Ai Fook /GP
151. Dr S Y Chan /GP
152. Dr Bhajan Singh /GP
153. Dr Ramesh /GP
154. Dr Yek Sing Chee /GP
155. Dr K. Skanthadevan /GP
156. Dr Nasri /GP
157. Dr Yusof /GP
158. Datuk Dr Gurdeep Prakash Singh /Consultant Physician
159. Datuk Dr. Gunasegaran /Consultant Plastic Surgeon
160. Dr Jaspal Kaur Malhi /GP
161. Datuk Dr Sharil Che Mat /GP
162. Dr Rajeswaran Paramjothy /GP
163. Dr Chan Kai Soon /Consultant Pathologist
164. Dr Harry Louise D’Cruz /GP
165. Datuk Dr Palanicawnder /GP
166. Dr George Thavarajah /GP
167. Datuk Dr Aris Chandran /Consultant Physician
168. Dr Tan Ooi Hong /Consultant Physician
169. Dr Tan Boon Chye /GP
170. Datuk Dr Ranjoth Singh /Consultant O & G
171. Dr Rahmantulnisha /GP
172. Dr Hu Wen Shing /Consultant Radiologist
173. Dr K Muruhadas /GP
174. Dr Thomas Arul /GP
175. Dr Ong Chew Wui /GP
176. Dr Ong Tee Meng /GP
For those who are interested to sign the online petition for Dr Jeyakumar and the EO6 release, please check this link :: http://www.petitiononline.com/mod_perl/signed.cgi?eo6
Labels: Bersih, EO6, Jeyakumar
The Bersih rally is now over and hopefully all those your participated are now home safely at home or at the local kopitiam to give their accounts of the rally.
Before going any further, we salute you, Bersih, sincere thanks for standing up for all Malaysians, inclusive of those who couldn't make it for the rally for one reason or another. We can certainly be proud of you all, in the face of water cannons, tear gas, rain and those punches and blows and canes and batons of those oppressors, who actually we have paid to ensure our safety and well being.
By all accounts that we have seen today on the web, the rally has been a success. Bersih has mentioned the presence of 50,000 at the rally, BBC mentioned a figure of 10,000 but our Polis inspector-general mentioned a figure of 5,000 to 6,000. Who is lying? We don't have to be a rocket scientist to answer that. The undeniable figure as mentioned by the Polis is that 1,401 rally participants have been arrested and many of them under brutal conditions.
The PM has got his spin-doctor working overtime and he is glad that KL is safe despite the 'illegal" rally. Being the PM for all Malaysians and we believe that those who supported Bersih are also Malaysians, he should have prevented the brutality he has unleashed on his fellow Malaysians. Fellow Malaysians who only wanted fair, clean and free elections. Was there a need for him to use such harsh measures against his fellow Malaysians?
Related articles ::
Today, Malaysians revisit Bersih 2007
Was it worth it? — The Malaysian Insider
Malaysians show great bravery — Bersih 2.0
My right to wear clean yellow T-shirt :: Ronald McCoy
Ambiga, top leaders arrested; Anwar injured
8th July, 2011
Despite obstacles, Bersih remains unwavering
Jul 8, 11 7:19pm
Negotiations with the authorities have broken down and Bersih 2.0 is maintaining that its rally will be at Stadium Merdeka at 2pm tomorrow.
In a statement late this evening, the Bersih 2.0 steering committee said the authorities have put “obstacle after obstacle” to frustrate any form of cooperation.
“Having faced half-hearted offers of stadiums, arrogance regarding meetings as well as denial of permits, arrests, detentions and so much more.
“We feel that we have done all that is humanly possible to demonstrate sincerity and good faith in dealing with the government - but we have only been met with reversed decisions and stone walls,” said the committee.
The statement comes soon after Home Minister Hishammuddin Hussein said that the movement is free to hold its rally anywhere other than Kuala Lumpur.
However, the minister's statement just comes hours after the Selangor Sultan decreed that no rally can be held in his state, leaving Bersih 2.0 with little options.
There has been a massive police mobilisation in Kuala Lumpur as authorities plan a water-tight cordon around the city centre where the stadium is located.
Bersih 2.0 is adamant on using Stadium Merdeka due to its historical and symbolic significance, but the authorities want the movement to use another stadium.
Below is Bersih 2.0's statement in full:
2pm, July 9, Stadium Merdeka: Malaysia's moment of truth
Malaysians from all walks of life have travelled a very long road to reach this defining point in our nation's history.
With less than 24 hours to our intended peaceful gathering, our resolve to walk the last, most difficult mile as one united people in pursuit of clean and fair elections and a better Malaysia for all is firmer than ever.
Our reason for gathering is pure and simple – to demand the electoral roll be cleaned, that the postal voting system be reformed, that indelible ink be used, a minimum 21 day campaign period be instated, free and fair access to media for all be provided, public institutions be strengthened, and for corruption as well as dirty politics to be stopped.
The authorities have put obstacle after obstacle where they only needed to provide sincere cooperation to win the trust and confidence of the people.
Having faced half hearted offers of stadiums, arrogance regarding meetings as well as denials of permits, arrests, detentions and so much more, we feel that we have done all that is humanly possible to demonstrate sincerity and good faith in dealing with the government – but we have only been met with reversed decisions and stone walls.
There are no walls however, that will arrest the advance of the cause of peace and justice. Come the 9th of July, we will uphold our constitutional right to converge peacefully on Stadium Merdeka in Kuala Lumpur.
No government agency has any right whatsoever to prevent Malaysians from exercising their freedom of movement and access to our capital city. No threat or intimidation can overturn this fundamental truth.
Malaysians have now seen for themselves the degree of paranoia and lack of principled leadership that seems to have gripped the government. It is thus all the more imperative that patriotic Malaysians rise now and take this stand together to save Malaysia from slipping further into this insane darkness.
Since the beginning of Bersih 2.0, we have witnessed nothing but the utmost bravery and commitment to peace and justice demonstrated by ordinary Malaysians from every walk of life.
Inspired by this example, the Bersih 2.0 leadership reiterates our own unyielding commitment to our shared cause, and to being at Stadium Merdeka at 2pm tomorrow. We will meet at the carpark, and trust that the doors will be opened for us.
This is Malaysia's single most important defining moment in recent history, and we are fully confident that the rakyat will heed the call to safeguard the principles Malaysia was founded on and together ensure that we pass down to our children a nation that is just, democratic and united in love for one another.
GOD help us Save Malaysia, let 9th july 2011 pass peacedully
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Government cannot stop us, says Bersih
It’s not too late, Kit Siang tells Najib
Only King can declare Emergency, says constitutional lawyer
A clash of colours on July 9: Yellow versus yellow
Najib is losing the plot - again
Side Views — The Malaysian Insider
Jul 06, 2011 JULY 6
The circumstances surrounding the July 9 Bersih rally have been changing since the Yang di-Pertuan Agong Tuanku Mizan Zainal Abidin issued a rare edict and met both the prime minister and Bersih leaders.
Somethings haven’t changed. Bersih is still outlawed. Wearing their yellow T-shirt with the word Bersih will land you in the lock-up.
Government agencies like Stadium Merdeka are waiting for the Cabinet to direct them whether to accept Bersih’s application. The police are waiting for Bersih’s application which must state the venue.
And now Datuk Seri Najib Razak is saying he didn’t promise to see Bersih over the rally and that it’s up to the police to decide whether the rally can proceed.
Is this a joke?
Can the government of the day stop stonewalling Bersih or waffling about where the electoral reform movement can have their rally? All this drama has made a mountain out of a molehill and makes the royal audience yesterday just a scene from a farce.
Last anyone checked, Najib is the prime minister and Malaysia is not a police state. That means he can order the police to issue a permit for a rally and tell the stadium authorities to host the event.
Take a large deposit. Impose conditions but don’t keep throwing up roadblocks to frustrate the rally. Enough has been done to snuff it out but it keeps getting bigger to the extent that it can actually realise Barisan Nasional’s nightmare of being booted out of Putrajaya in a free and fair election or actually, even in the next elections.
The government’s action today reveals that it might be having second thoughts or is getting cold feet about the Bersih rally. It also shows how insecure the Najib administration is over a coalition that just wants free and fair elections.
This insecurity and waffling have made them the butt of jokes and a source of anguish over the kind of leadership that exists in the country.
The King interceded and Bersih has acted in good faith to accept conditions put forward by Najib. It’s his turn to reciprocate and do the right thing.
Or confirm that this is a police state and let the citizens decide whether it should remain so in the next general elections.
The Najib administration can influence that decision by not treating Bersih as a joke. For the joke might be on the government later.
Related article ::
Why am I not surprised? — Shanker
As far as the Bersih gathering on 9th July is concerned, things are appearing ominous that there will be a possible major crackdown. Despite the Agong-Bersih meeting and the offer of the PM for an in-stadium Bersih rally, events happening potent that such a gathering is unlikely.
Today's events have shown the true colours of the PM and his Home Minister.
The Home Minister is adamant that Bersih is illegal.
Umno Youth is against the use of the Merdeka Stadium for rally. And Stadium Merdeka has refused Bersih's booking.
The polis has continued the crackdown on Bersih supporters.
The polis is setting up preventive roadblocks in its imagined idea that Bersih supporters will be transporting weapons for use during the rally.
The polis is insisting on a permit being applied for the said rally with this comes a whole gamut of rules and regulations. Will Bersih have time to comply with them?
Putrajaya continues to demonise Bersih.
It is now clear that the PM never had intentions to keep his promise when he offered Bersih to hold its rally in-stadium. His intentions is to catch Bersih off-guard and use all means available at his disposal to ensure the said rally never takes place. Even if the Selangor government allows Bersih the use of the Shah Alam Stadium, the PM will come out with a reason or two to stop it. Continuing to label Bersih as illegal by his Home Minister, rightly or not, will mean there will be no Bersih rally come 9th July. Should Bersih, now, resort to "kotor" activities like its antagonists? Certainly, no, Bersih should persists with its Bersih way.
Other related articles ::
Bersih and the Fall of Reason
Malaysia :: A Police State --- Tommy Thomas
Approve use of Stadium Merdeka and cease police harassment immediately — Bersih 2.0
Does Bersih 2.0 serve a point?
Perturbed that Bersih is target of harsh measures
Outrage and anguish at gov't crackdown on Bersih
Labels: 9th July, Bersih Rally
"This is a point whereby we consider them illegal but they don’t consider themselves as illegal but what’s most important is public interest"
This quote is attributed to the PM of BolehLand with regard to the status of Bersih.
In the short space of a few days, Bersih has gone from a relatively out-of-hearing and out-of-sight coalition as far as most Malaysians are concerned, to become a household name on most Malaysians' lips.
Over the past few days, Bersih's yellow-Ts have been outlawed. Bersih, itself, has been declared illegal and supporters of Bersih have been arrested and have been alleged to be communists. Even today the polis is pointing at Bersih after having found 3 stashes of weapons near Sogo. Today, our flip-flop PM has passed the buck to the polis to deal with the recent arrests of Bersih's supporters. Shouldn't he be dealing with the mess, himself? While he is at it, he should also get his cousin, the Home Minister, to decide about Bersih's status, Bersih cannot both be legal and illegal at the same time. After all, the King has met with Bersih and the PM has offered Bersih to hold its rally in a stadium!
How did the about turn of Bersih come about in recent times? It started with this edict by the King ::
"I am following closely the developments of the proposed gathering and procession by Bersih with the aim of handing over a memorandum to me as the Yang di-Pertuan Agong, and how the government, particularly the agencies and departments concerned, is handling the issue.
"However, I believe that the nation's leadership under Najib Abdul Razak is capable of handling this problem in the best possible way.
"I urge that amid the political fervour of a section of the people to bolster democracy in our country, it must also be ensured that this demand on democracy does not bring destruction to the country.
"Generally, we cannot be following too much the practices in other countries, as harmony and stability are vital foundations for a country and which all quarters must protect.
"I also urge the government to carry out everything that is entrusted to it by the people in a just and wise manner, and it is important that I, as the Yang di-Pertuan Agong, do not want to see this country with a plural society in a situation where there is animosity among them or a section of the people being enemies with the government, on whatever grounds.
"When any problem arises, we as a civilised society must resolve it through consultations and not follow our emotions, as the Malay saying goes, 'Yang Dikejar Tak Dapat Yang Dikendong Berciciran'” (Not getting what we chase after and spilling what we carry).
"The fact is, street demonstrations bring more harm than good although the original intention is good. Instead, we should focus on our main objective to develop this country, and not create problems that will cause the country to lag behind.
"Remember that there is no land where the rain does not fall, there is no ocean that is not turbulent. That is how important moderation and compromise is, which has been long been in practice by our nation's administration."
Will it be plain sailing for Bersih now to hold the rally for free and fair elections in a stadium somewhere in BolehLand? Will the PM, HM and polis come out with obstacles to the said rally? The next few days will be interesting times.
Bersih 2.0 :: Winners and Losers
Bersih 2.0 in stadium: Mixed reactions from netizens
Arab Spring or T-shirt Revolution, it has arrived in Malaysia
The Malaysia Chronicle
30th June 2011
The last straw for Malaysia's nearly 30 million population could well be a simple, yellow round-necked tee.
Home Minister Hishammuddin Hussein has declared illegal the wearing of a t-shirt related to a free and fair elections rally, reinforcing the views of many regional experts that Prime Minister Najib Razak may have precipitated an early Arab Spring in the Southeast Asian nation. Or more precisely, a t-shirt revolution.
"I have been following the Bersih 2.0 saga very closely. I believe that Najib and his government – because of their statements and actions -- are painting themselves into a corner," John Malott, the former US ambassador to Malaysia told Malaysia Chronicle.
"Increasingly, it is a lose-lose situation for Najib and his government. No matter what happens on July 9, both domestically and internationally, Najib already has lost."
Absolute power and corruption
Indeed, after the 2008 general elections where the opposition led by Anwar Ibrahim swept 47 per cent of the popular vote, the signs have been on the wall for Malaysia's totalitarian BN government.
It has ruled the country for more than 5 decades and Najib's UMNO party calls all the shots in the coalition. UMNO itself, which began life as an idealistic nationalist party fighting the British colonialists for independence, has become an old-boys club spolit by years of absolute political power. It has spawned unimaginable corruption, and what been tracked by the Washington-based Global Financial Integrity amounting to US$291 billion (RM888 billion) in illicit outflows is believed to be just the tip of the real iceberg.
Power within UMNO is now distributed amongst three main families - Najib's family, Hisham's family and the Mahathir family. Najib and Hisham are cousins and their dads were the 2nd and 3rd prime minister, while Mahathir Mohamad was the 4th. Despite a membership of more than 3 million, few ever get a stab at the top echelons of power in UMNO.
And it is this instinct for self preservation that has provoked the cousins, no doubt supported by Mahathir as well, to fight the Bersih rally with all their might. Their overkill was their undoing. Despite Anwar's Pakatan Rakyat coalition throwing its full support behind the rally organised by 62 of the country's best known NGOs, the march could have at most re-emphasized that the inevitable was due sooner or later.
It would also have been a hard slap in the face for Najib and wife Rosmah Mansor, both of whom are known for their 'sensitivity' to criticism. But so what? Tough cheese for the first couple, but that's about it. Anwar and Pakatan would still have to battle uphill to achieve their goal of taking 11 states out of 13 in the coming 13th general election.
Hardline regimes don't work these days
Now the equation has changed somewhat. If before the opposition was viewed as something that Malaysians should not be associated with, this no longer holds true. Post the Bersih fiasco, it will be the BN that Malaysians will shun for fear of being ridiculed as cultural dinosaurs. BN knows it is in trouble because try as it will, it has failed to attract quality new blood. Yet, it still refuses to budge from its time warp.
"I would say it makes our job simpler. But we still have to work very hard, that's for sure. In a way, Bersih or rather Najib's over-reaction to it has been great advertisement for the Pakatan's cause," PKR vice president Tian Chua told Malaysia Chronicle.
"Even if the BN launched a crackdown now, how long can it last, for how long will Malaysians including the Malays support emergency rule or a hardline regime. Even in Singpaore, Lee Kuan Yew and his son know they have to accept the demands of a changing society. I would say even the Myanmar regime is in danger. It will be swept off sooner rather than later."
Unpopular obsolete tactics
Like Tian, Malott too believes the best solution, both for domestic and international reasons, would have been for Najib to allow the Bersih organizers their constitutional right to hold their Walk for Democracy. That way, the BN government could have “controlled” the situation, blaming the fallout to the Pakatan.
But due to Najib's preference for unpopular and obsolete tactics such as the threat of counter-marches on the same day by rowdy Malay rights group Perkasa and the UMNO Youth wing - in the belief that it would frighten off the crowd - BN is now left on the defensive.
Even if a token crowd attended on July 9, it would allow Bersih and Pakatan leaders to claim a moral victory. So popular are they now that it would immediately raise a cheer across the nation. Even if they were all "pre-emptively" arrested as threatened previously by Hisham, BN and Najib would still have lost.
"Najib then could have claimed to both Malaysians and the world that it shows that Malaysia is genuinely a democracy. But no, because Najib is Najib, he says and does nothing. And so the situation only has gotten worse – for him and for Malaysia," said Malott.
On Wednesday, Hishammuddin had stunned the nation when he pronounced the yellow-coloured Bersih tee illegal. "If the Bersih t-shirt is related to an illegal activity, then whatever they are wearing is illegal," he told reporters.
What happens now?
It is hard to see the Bersih organisers backing off now. Already, they have achieved more than they ever expected - without even getting a single one of the 8 electoral reforms they are demanding passed by Najib and the Election Commission.
The message that Malaysia needs to clean up its voting system, that the existing system is corrupt, that until there are reforms Malaysian voters won't get the government or the leaders they chose at ballot boxes, has been made loud and clear.
Yet, for Bersih to cancel now would be a grevious misstep that organising chairman Ambiga Sreenevasan, a former Bar Council president and receipient of the prestigious International Women of Courage Award, is unlikely to make.
Come July 9, unless of course she and her collegaues have been arrested, it is more than likely that the rally will take place. It may not be as huge as previously anticipated, but certainly, many of Malaysia's growingly civic-consious society will show up.
And they won't be alone. Marchers may have to suffer the sting of tear gas, the water canons and the police detention. But law groups are springing up across the country offering free legal aid for detainees as part of their contribution to society. And that should be another scary sign for Najib and cousin.
Additionally, Bersih can count on the world's media to track their march and broadcast to prime-time TV networks around the globe their fight for democracy. A sad reflection it may be, but it is this presence of foreign media that will temper Najib's heavy-handedness rather than any local factor.
"If the Bersih 2.0 organisers defy the police and exercise their constitutional right to assemble, they will no doubt be met with force by the police. And the world will see it – on CNN and BBC, both in Malaysia and overseas," said Malott.
Where does it leave Najib?
The Bersih rally has reached a stage where either way Najib and Hisham will lose.
The door to the UMNO presidency is now wide open, although aspirants such as Deputy Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin will still have to get past Mahathir, and to an extent 5th prime minister and Najib's immediate predecessor Abdullah Badawi.
Should Najib U-turn at the 11th hour and do what he should have done right at the outset, which was to lay down rules for the rally rather than embark on a confrontation with his own citizens, it would still be a lose-lose situation for him and Hisham. The door to the premiership would still be wide open.
"If the government comes to its senses and follows the Constitution and allows the march to take place – which I doubt – then the Government will lose support among the right-wing fringe groups that they believe they need for success in the next election, like Perkasa. So this is a lose-lose situation for Najib," said Malott.
- Malaysia Chronicle
Labels: Bersih
Hisham outlaws Bersih 2.0
The MalaysianInsider
Jul 02, 2011
KUALA LUMPUR, July 2 — Electoral reforms movement Bersih 2.0 has been declared illegal by the Home Ministry effective July 1 for causing “an atmosphere of unrest,” a week before its planned July 9 rally.
The ministry issued a four-paragraph statement outlining the reasons for the ban by Home Minister Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Hussein.
It gave three reasons for the banning of the movement, adding it was an unregistered group despite fulfilling all criteria to form an organisation under the Societies Act 1966.
The reasons given for the ban are:
i) Being active and sparking an atmosphere of unrest and worry among the multiracial community in the country;
ii) Spreading propaganda to incite the people to topple the government by distributing certain leaflets;
iii) Its activities have given a bad image to the country, which can threaten and undermine public order, security, economy and country’s sovereignty and affect the harmony of the multiracial community.
“Because of this, the home minister has declared the Bersih 2.0 organisation as going against the law under Section 5 of the Societies Act 1966 effective July 1, 2011,” read the statement signed by Registrar of Societies Datuk Abdul Rahman Othman.
Bersih 2.0 is a coalition of 62 groups seeking electoral reforms to provide for free and fair elections.
It has planned a rally on July 9 in the capital city to press for its eight demands, but police have said it will not allow any demonstrations on the day.
At least two other groups — Perkasa and Umno Youth — have said they will mount counter-protests against the Bersih rally.
The Najib administration has used state-run media and special sermons during Friday prayers at mosques yesterday to criticise the Bersih rally, which is the second such demonstration asking for electoral reforms.
The first in 2007 saw an estimated 50,000 people take to the streets in the capital city before they were dispersed by riot police armed with water cannons and tear gas.
Bersih 2.0 expects a higher turnout this year due to more widespread publicity courtesy of social media.
Pakatan Rakyat parties have ordered their members to support the rally, with PAS asking its one-million members to turn up on July 9.
Several rallies in support of Bersih are also being planned in major cities across the world on that day.
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