"It was also "haram" for people to organise, attend and watch the concerts as they were detrimental to the Malays."
"The Sure Heboh concerts are inclined towards causing neglect and can bring negative effects to the race aside from bringing about weak minds."
"There are now many entertainment programmes on television. What is the need of such concerts? Entertainment is allowed in Islam but not if it promoted neglect in various areas."
"MIRI, July 29 (Bernama) -- The bodies of the five victims of the ill-fated Bell 206 Long Ranger can only be removed most probably Friday once easy access has been made to the crash site.
This was being done Thursday by clearing the area for a landing site for helicopters to fly in police personnel to the wreckage.
Meanwhile, there are still no news of the fate of two other persons on board the helicopter, which went missing since July 12 while flying from Bario to Ba'Kelalan."
“I am so sorry. We have tried our best. I will meet the family members of all the seven in Miri soon..
“I pray that they will be strong. I pray for the deceased. May they rest in peace.”
Recently, there was the short-lived but baseless furore over a syndicate on STPM and SPM forged certificates.
Doubts were cast on the credibility, integrity and honour of the STPM “top scorers”, especially the 527 STPM candidates last year who had scored the perfect score of 4.0 cumulative grade point average (CGPA), when in actual fact, not a single forged STPM certificate had been uncovered publicly.
I have received credible information that last year, some matriculation students who obtained 3.7 and 3.8 CGPA for their first and second semesters are given an overall score of 4.0 CGPA, when it should be 3.75. The Higher Education Ministry should conduct an independent inquiry to establish how extensive is such a malpractice.
For the University of Malaya medical intake this year, there is a total of 175 students, comprising 96 Bumiputras (54.8%), 69 Chinese (39.4%) and 10 Indians (5.7%).
This year, STPM students make up only some 35 of the total intake, making the intake one of 20% STPM students and 80% matriculation students. Out of the 35 STPM students in the University of Malaya medical faculty, 30 are Chinese and the remaining five Indians.
The vast drop in STPM students in the University of Malaya medical faculty intake is a matter of grave concern although the number of STPM “top scorers” total 527 in the 2003 STPM exam.
A scrutiny of the results of the successful students into the University of Malaya medical faculty would give the familiar finding of previous years – all STPM top scorers have a record of equally excellent SPM results, whereas the top scorers of matriculation, particularly Malay students, have much poorer SPM results – with some having grades as low as C6 for Biology and Additional Mathematics.
3.3 Tidak dibenarkan memasang banner/poster dan bahan bercetak yang melambangkang mana-mana parti politik atau pertubuhan semada di dalam atau di luar bangunan.
3.9. Tiada kutipan derma atau apa-apa kutipan dibuat sepanjang masa perhimpunan dijalankan.
The quality of mercy is not strain'd,
It droppeth as the gentle rain from heaven
Upon the place beneath. It is twice blest:
It blesseth him that gives and him that takes.
'T is mightiest in the mightiest: it becomes
The throned monarch better than his crown;
His sceptre shows the force of temporal power,
The attribute to awe and majesty,
Wherein doth sit the dread and fear of kings;
But mercy is above this sceptred sway,
It is enthroned in the hearts of kings,
It is an attribute to God himself;
And earthly power doth then show likest God's,
When mercy seasons justice. Therefore, Jew,
Though justice be thy plea, consider this,
That in the course of justice none of us
Should see salvation: we do pray for mercy;
And that same prayer doth teach us all to render
The deeds of mercy.
Met at the Parliament lobby earlier, Nazri said he had no idea why the police refused earlier to grant a permit.
The MINIster, who oversees parliamentary affairs, said he will discuss with Lim on a new date for the debate.
"The debate is definitely on," stressed Nazri, who agreed to the debate following an invitation by the opposition leader in the last parliamentary session.
"It incorporates a sprinkling of Chinese words, a dash of English and a pinch of Arabic and Bahasa Indonesia."
"The post (of president) is still vacant and the party responsible in deciding the (holder of the) post are the Umno members through the divisional delegates meetings nationwide.
"Furthermore, and as far as I know, no one has made an offer for the post at the moment except for myself. I hope I will get the support from the divisions if they feel I am qualified and suitable.
"If they feel I am not qualified, what can I say, this is just an offer to serve from someone who has been long in the party but without a position, although I am full of eagerness to champion the cause of Umno," Razaleigh said.
When asked to speculate on what may be the reasons behind Razaleigh’s motivation, Shahrir said: "I think he’s driven by the sense that he’s better than Dollah Badawi... the fact that he is more senior, has been around longer, and had fought the party president at a time when Dollah was only running for the number three post. Because of that, he can never consider being number two or three to Dollah."
To this, the UMNO leaders have no answer. So, they cloak themselves in prophylactics, oblivious of the floods, landslides, earthqakes, and revolutions outside the bubble. It is actions like that force these factions and camps out on the streets to argue their case. We have had it once before. And another could not be far off, if the issues that bring these factions and camps into the open are not resolved if not addressed, and the leaders make sure they are properly elected. There is no sign of that. But the two top positions would be almost certainly challenged. That worries the top leaders, not factionalism or camps. For if there is a fight, the factions and the camps would not unite behind the UMNO's preferred leaders. That includes Pak Lah and Dato' Seri Najib.
The battle lines are drawn. Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah (Ku Li) is going to make a bid for the top job; that of the Umno Presidency, which would then automatically make him the Prime Minister of Malaysia.
and continues by saying ::
Abdullah Ahmad Badawi (Pak Lah) and Najib Tun Razak are both Acting President and Acting Deputy President respectively. This would therefore make them Acting Prime Minister and Acting Deputy Prime Minister. They would need to be ‘confirmed’ to their posts this September.
RPK concludes ::
Ku Li’s biggest challenge is to find who is going to be that first -- the brave mouse that will bell the cat. Once someone comes forward and takes the lead, the others would follow super-fast and Ku Li would get his 60 to 70 nominations. And, once that happens, Ku Li will certainly win.
Winning the Umno Presidency is no effort for Ku Li. Getting his nominations is. And that is what Ku Li is working on even as we speak.
Dr Zurin Azlin, Doctor of Veterinary Medicine, with her patient (centre) and her colleague Dr Farrah Alias (left). They show no qualms examining their patient. "It is not a problem if I follow the necessary cleansing procedures as dictated by the religion after handling the dogs. The important thing is to nurse the animals back to health," she said. You can read the whole story in Metro KL.
“All I said was that of the 68 students (from the 128 top scorers) who appealed to the MCA, one had made a false declaration on his appeal form.
“The student had said he obtained a CGPA of 4.0 in the form but upon checking with the Higher Education Ministry, we discovered he had actually obtained a CGPA of 3.88,” he said.
The Higher Education Ministry will investigate claims that some students had forged their STPM certificate to say that they achieved a 4.0 cumulative grade point average but failed to obtain places to study medicine in institutions of higher learning.
To contest for the UMNO presidency, a prospective candidate needs at least 30% of nominations from all the divisions. ie 58 nominations from the 191 Umno divisions nationwide.
For the deputy's post the quota is 20% (39 nominations), vice-president 10% (20) and supreme council seat 5% (10).
"There should be no question that Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi will be the party president. The supreme council and state liaison committees have decided on this and members should support it."
Commenting on the increasing number of party leaders offering themselves for the three vice-president posts, Najib said it was normal and there should not be any restriction as long as the candidates had enough support from party members.
"There is nothing wrong with having many candidates in the race for the vice-presidency. In the past, we did have up to six or seven people contesting for the posts," he said. (Does Najib need being reminded taht there were also contests for the Presidency and the deputy in the past.)
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