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Sunday, December 31, 2006
Teachers Know Best

i wonder how many came across this report in the STAR :: Distinction in Chinese Paper for Malay Boy

Did the Keris brandishing Education MINIster chance upon it or was he too busy brandishing his heritage keris!

Mohd Faiz Zulbadli is the Malay boy who scored a distinction in this year's PMR Chinese paper. He is in SM Sam Tet, Ipoh. His parents are Zulbadli Mohamad Yusof, 45, and Nur Farah Yap Abdullah, 42, both teachers. Their other child, Nur Izzaty, is also studying in a Chinese school.

When asked, the mother, Nur Farah Yap Abdullah, had this to say ::
“I decided to send both my children to Chinese schools because I feel it will give them a brighter future besides allowing them to know an additional language.”

i guess "teachers know best", wonder whether Keris brandishing Education MINIster is listening to his own teachers. There are plenty other parents who think like these two teachers. No wonder many National Type schools are bursting at the seams, so to say. Will the MyMalaise gomen continue to waste precious rakyat funds on special campaigns and promotions to encourage bigger enrolments in National schools. Funds which would be better spent on building more schools to cater to those like Mohd Faiz and Nur Izzaty.

Time to wake up Keris brandishing Education MINIster and spend funds where needed. And a Happy New Year to you, will we be seeing you around.

MyKad, MyMalaise, MyWish

MyKad::The More Than Half Billion Ringgit Debacle

It has been six years and more, much more than the reported ringgit half billion down the drain and today today what do most of us have in our pockets, a My Kad which served the single function which was done by our previous laminated non-chipped non-super, non-multifunctioned identity card. The MyKad debacle, fiasco, scandal (call it what you want) epitomise how out of touch the gomen of the day is with the rakyat it is suppose to serve. The gomen people who accepted the MyKad idea must have been blinded by the ringgit sign when they were sold the idea by those knaves.

Do We Have a MyMalaise Gomen?

Often what the gomen tend to thrust down our throats are often untested ideas and programmes like MyKad and PLKN. Whatever pilot studies carried out had forgone conclusions. Pilot studies were more like profit studies. They were more for finding out how much and to what maximal extent profits could be made out of the programmes to be implemented rather than what benefits they would truly bring to the rakyat. And despite knowing that they being ill conceived and not beneficial, these programmes are to be continued to the detriment of the rakyat. We are now told that the gomen realising that super-multi-functional MyKad super-multi-functions are underused, the gomen is now carry out a series of special programmes next year to address the problem. It is going to be a case of more rakyat money down the drain and into the pockets of you-know-who. Will the gomen please stop mis-using the rakyat money? Will the gomen wake up from its slumber, unlike those unscrupulous officials who were sold on the idea, the rakyat knows that it is infinitely unwise to put all eggs in one basket and will not utilise the other MyKad functions. We are not basket cases, imagine losing one's super-multi-functional MyKad and while waiting for a replacement from our super-inefficient authorities, one is left unable to access one's ATM account, the passport is in limbo and the Touch N' Go becomes No'Go and without the credit card, one may have to go abegging for groceries and foodstuff.

Our MyMalaise gomen instead of putting the blame for the MyKad debacle squarely at its own doorsteps, its MINIster, the Rt Hon Deputy Home Affairs Minister Datuk Tan Chai HoTan has the guts to say that apart from gomen agencies, the private sector and MyKad holders, were to blame for the poor uptake of the various MyKad functions. Did the Rt Hon Deputy MINIster ensure that a proper pilot study was carried out to gauge the response of the rakyat before the super MyKad was implemented? Or was he too busy or lazy to do so. What we have been having is a gomen which blinded by other concerns and refuses to do its homework and as a result rakyat money is mis-spent bringing little or no benefit.

My New Year Wish

My wish is that the our gomen, after its magnificent victory in the 11th election, will wake up from its slumber and get to work. i wish it will work hard to implement programmes that are truly beneficial to the rakyat and not to its cronies. If not when the 12th comes, my wish is that the rakyat will know the proper action to take and allow this MyMalaise gomen to continue with its eternal slumber.

Sunday, December 24, 2006
Nizam's 50 Posts to Independence

Have you heard of this lawyer-blogger called Nizam and his blog? If you haven't, it is perfectly ok.

What i would like to intro is a blog-project of his, called :: 50 POSTS TO INDEPENDENCE.

This blog-project is as he described ::

In exactly 49 Weeks (starting from 22.09.2006), it will be our great nation's golden jubilee since achieving its independence. As a tribute of that momentous occasion, I will tag one blogger after this who will then be required to post 1 post within 7 days of being tagged on anything that makes Malaysia special to that person. I am calling it '50 Posts to Independence'.

If you were to follow it you will come come across many other bloggers and during this ongoing journey find yourself going through the thoughts of at least 50 bloggers and how they perceive Malaysia B**** (Boleh or Bodoh, your choice) as we journey towards 31st August 2007.

If you are interested start here :: http://nizambashir.com/?p=68,
the latest post which is No 37, can be found here :: http://mokciknab.blogspot.com/

If you happen to find it interesting, do consider passing the links on to others whom you think may find it interesting too.

Happy blog surfing.

And to one and all :: A BLESSED MEANINGFUL CHRISTMAS and thereafter A HAPPY MEANINGFUL 2007 too

Monday, December 18, 2006
Amok Season leading to More Migration?

In early November, at a general assembly of a particular political party, at times variously referred to as Pekembar/Umno/Umno Baru, the keris of heritage was raised and kissed, the oft-repeated warning of "Malays in danger" was repeated and non-malay bashing was once again made the flavor of the day. This annual assembly was referred by Farish A Noor as the "Amok Season".

Is this the result of the "Amok Season"? Will more follow suite in the months to come? Will we find more houses, properties and cars on cheap sale soon? It looks like the migration season has just been declared opened. And not too long ago, the gomen for all Malaysians was talking of brain gain and arresting the brain drain, humbug.

LONE's rantings for all interested, COMMENTS/KOPI-0s welcomed. Comments are solely the views of their makers
MALAYSIA, a great place to be in, BUT we can, will and must make HER better.
You may say I'm a dreamer but I'm not the only one
I hope someday you'll join us
And the world will be as one.
IMAGINE:youtube::John Lennon

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