"UMNO members must initiate their children into UMNO just as my father had initiated me into UMNO, just like Pak Sheikh Ahmad (the late Tan Sri Sheikh Ahmad Mohamed Hashim, who was the third Perlis Menteri Besar) who initiated Radzi (Minister in the Prime Minister's Department Datuk Radzi Sheikh Ahmad who is also UMNO secretary-general)...many others.
"The son of Tun Razak (Second Prime Minister, the late Tun Abdul Razak Hussein) is also an UMNO member (Deputy Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak, who is UMNO deputy president). The son of Syed Albar (UMNO stalwart Syed Jaafar Albar) is also an UMNO member (Foreign Minister Datuk Seri Syed Hamid Albar)...there's quite a few," he said.
"The government is tegas (firm). There will be no deferment."
"When they are caught this time, not only will we haul them to court but they will also be barred from entering Malaysia in future."
There is no other country in the world that has come up with the amnesty programme like what we have. We have been very very humane with the illegals."
"The very reason we are sending them back is because we want them to come back legally. This is very, very humanitarian."
We cheer the government's effort to kickstart the arrest operation, but this is not an easy job which can be completed in a few days, or months. 300,000 is by no means a small number, and it is almost impossible to account for every one of them.
Perseverance remains our largest challenge.
Having said that, we must show the world that we mean what we say.
We must give our best shot, for the success or failure of the operation has everything to do with our national reputation and integrity.
But then what can the authorities do after carrying out the arrest operation? How are they going to handle the arrested illegals?
The Immigration Department said earlier that the arrested illegals would be caned, fined and jailed. But, are our courts ready to charge hundreds of thousands of illegal migrant workers here?
If we do not have the manpower to charge them in the courts, and instead send them to the Semenyih detention camp or deport them, then it will be a waste of our resources, for they have Malaysia at their finger tips, and will very soon find their way on our shores again.
A crackdown which sent hundreds of thousands of illegal workers fleeing from Malaysia has left industries with crippling labour shortages which could hurt economic growth, reports and officials said.
The government has called a special meeting on the issue for next week, Home Affairs Minister Azmi Khalid told AFP Thursday.
The move comes after the cabinet was told Wednesday that losses run into hundreds of millions of ringgit (3.8 ringgit to a US dollar), the New Straits Times reported.
The Cabinet was today given a comprehensive briefing on the labour situation on the ground, and it was not a pleasant picture.
The losses suffered by different sectors of the economy run into hundreds of millions of ringgit. Some 200,000 workers are needed in the manufacturing sector, followed by 150,000 in construction, 50,000 in plantation and 20,000 in the service sector.
The seismic slip off the coast of Sumatra that triggered the tsunami has piled dangerous levels of stress on to two vulnerable parts of the fault zone, significantly raising the chances of a magnitude 7.5 earthquake.
The scientists cannot accurately predict how soon such an earthquake may occur, but they point out that previous examples of so-called "coupled" earthquakes have struck within a year of each other.
- 1. The new study shows one of the regions at increased risk of a more powerful event is a 31-mile stretch of the undersea Sunda trench, next to the 745-mile long zone that ruptured on Boxing Day.
Earthquakes in the Sunda trench triggered fatal tsunamis in 1833 and 1861.- 2. The second area of concern identified in the new research is a 185-mile region of fault running directly beneath the island of Sumatra, close to the city of Banda Aceh, which was devastated in December and where rebuilding work is under way.
- BARISAN NASIONAL is strongly committed to parliamentary democracy, which gives each citizen a say in the administration of this nation.
- BARISAN NASIONAL safeguards the interests of all citizens. We listen to and act on the hopes and aspirations of all groups regardless of age, gender, ethnic background and religion.
- All ethnic groups are represented in the BARISAN NASIONAL. Power sharing is genuine, along with a strong spirit of togetherness and ‘give and take’.
- Continue the all-out campaign against corruption, without fear or favour.
- Seek a higher level of performance and integrity among your elected representatives.
- Make National Schools the school of choice through quality improvements, including better teaching of mother tongue languages, as well as safeguard the position of national-type schools today. Foster student interaction to enhance national unity.
Kira-kira 1,000 pelajar bukan bumiputera program itu berjaya meraih Purata Gred Nilai Kumulatif (PGNK) penuh 4.0 baru-baru ini mengatasi 800 pelajar Melayu yang mencatat keputusan sama.
[Approximately 1,000 Non-bumi students in the programme (Matriculation) obtained full PGNK score of 4 recently when compared to 800 Malay students yang obtained the same.]
"Jika dulu cukup dengan penyediaan kuda dan baju besi untuk berperang tetapi sekarang memerlukan kapal perang dan jet pejuang.
Jika cara kita (pelajar Melayu) bertindak dan berfikir masih di takuk lama, sudah tentu tidak akan ada peningkatan hidup yang dicapai.''
3.1 Members of the Communist Party of Malaya and members of its disbanded armed units, who are of Malaysian origin and who wish to settle down in MALAYSIA, shall be allowed to do so in accordance with the laws of Malaysia.
3.2 Members of the Communist Party of Malaya and members of its disbanded armed units, who are not of Malaysian origin, may be allowed to settle down in MALAYSIA in accordance with the laws of MALAYSIA, if they so desire.
With regard to Article 3, the Malaysian authorities shall assist members of the Communist Party of Malaya and members of its disbanded armed units in order to help them to start their peaceful life afresh.
Additional Mathematics, Modern Mathematics, Bahasa Malaysia, English, History, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Commerce and Islamic Studies, Tasawur Islam, Malay Literature, Basic Science, English for Science & Technology, Basic Economics, Arts, and Principles of Accounting.
"I am happy and proud with Amalina's success. This is a proof to other students that if they work hard, they can succeed not only with excellence but also with glory and distinction."
Speaking to media editors at his office here, Abdullah hoped Amalina could pursue her studies at a renowned foreign university.
He said Amalina must have self-confidence so that she could study with foreign students without difficulty.
He is a Malaysian citizen because he was born in Kampung Koh, in Sitiawan, Perak, then part of the Dindings, whose main port, now known as Lumut, the British wanted as a naval base. The Dindings became part of the Straits Settlements in 1874, when it was ceded to Britain, in the Pangkor Treaty that brought its colonial overlordship over Malaya.
All born in the Dindings between 1874 and independence on August 31, 1957 had automatic Malayan citizenship, wherever they may be on that day. In all the years of the emergency and since, no attempt was made to revoke his citizenship. All he needs to prove is that he was born in the area.
- 1. Mismanagement problems with the local councils
- 2. The strong opposition presence in some city councils namely Georgetown/Penang, Melaka and Ipoh
- 3. The problems of having to administer elections at federal, state and local levels and ensuring level playing fields.
I witnessed a display of fireworks from my balcony in the early hours of Feb 17.
My children rushed from their room, while my wife who was awakened by the noise joined me to watch the spectacular display of fireworks set off in a field right in front of my apartment.
The occasion was the ninth day of the new lunar year....
The firing of firecrackers is a violation of the law only if the authorities say so. However, this law can be removed if the authorities feel so.
That being the case, coupled with the bragging by our leaders of promoting Asian values and culture, I am wondering why must we suppress the Asian culture?...
Why must our laws make our people feel guilty about celebrating their festivals in the manner they prefer?
To: Alpha Office
Subject: Alpha's Stand On Homosexuality and Transsexuals
Dear Sir/Ms,
What is Alpha's stand on these two burning issues ie Homosexuality and Transsexuals?
Dear L,
Thank you very much for your enquiry into Alpha's standpoint on homosexuality and transsexuality. Nicky Gumbel has set out his position in his booklet 'What is the Christian attitude to Homosexuality?', which is also a chapter in his book 'Searching Issues'.
Our basic position is that Alpha is for anyone interested in finding out more about the Christian faith - regardless of age, sex, back ground or sexual orientation. Because Alpha is for anyone though, we therefore discourage courses aimed at any particular social grouping - for instance mens only Alpha or womens only Alpha - and this would include Alpha for gays only.
Sorry for providing such a general reply, but I can only recommend reading 'What is the Christian attitude on Homosexuality?', which will answer your question more clearly and satisfactorily.
With kind regards
Mike Lotz
The Alpha Office
Alpha International
Holy Trinity Brompton
Brompton Road
Direct line: (0)20 7052 0264
Fax: +44 (0)20 7584 8536
Alpha International is a registered charity [no.1086179] and a private company limited by guarantee and registered in England and Wales [no. 4157379]. The registered office is at Holy Trinity Brompton, Brompton Road, London SW7 1JA
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