Anwar d'Chameleon?
Several quarters have claimed that you have remained ambiguous with regard to your political future. Some have labelled you a ‘political chameleon’. In particular, how committed will you be to the opposition and are you entertaining any thought of returning to Umno after 2008?
I have tried throughout my life to remain constant to my ideals, to my belief in democracy, in poverty eradication, in developing a more open, tolerant and united society that enriches the lives of all citizens with justice and equity, that retains its spiritual values to guide its moral conscience in doing right and caring for the human dignity of all.
I hope over time I have listened and learnt, and sometimes that means using new ideas. And sometimes to bring the same message to different audiences you have to use different approaches, different language of ideas to make the same message relevant and comprehensible - that is not being a chameleon - that is working to be effective.
I remain loyal to my core principles, I am rededicated to my core principles. I seek to recommit myself to working for them in the most effective way in the circumstances and conditions of today.
I seek to work for a better Malaysia, in a better world through open democracy, in a vibrant society founded on justice and respect for the human dignity and rights of each person that gives everyone the opportunity achieve their full potential and contribute as much as they are able to the common good .
Times change and different times make their own demands but what is meaningful - values and objectives are the anchors - is be constant to my core principles, the moral compass that I set my course by. I only hope to be more effective in the future and to make my consistency of purpose clearer to everyone by the actions and endeavours I undertake.
"It (the party/UMNO) cannot compromise with those who have disparaged, smeared and attacked the dignity of and been treacherous to the party."
“The Youth will not allow any traitor to be given a second chance to destroy the party from within. Those who were against Umno, those who burnt Umno flags and those who took part in processions to ridicule Umno leaders, please do not harbour any hope to return to Umno, what more to be within the Umno leadership.”
"Choose leaders who have proven their integrity. Choose those who have excellent capability to lead."
"What is most important is to choose leaders who truly understand the values of the Umno struggles and that of the race."
"Meritocracy will enable the Malays to persevere." However, he said, UMNO would not allow others to determine the form of meritocracy that should be implemented in the country.
Two Datuks are among four prominent Johor businessmen believed to be heading a well-organised loan sharking syndicate with operations in the southern and central regions of the peninsula.
Their identities came to light after police here arrested 16 of their “field workers” in the past week.
Police sources said they have ascertained the whereabouts of the Datuks but were gathering more evidence before arresting them.
"Our investigations revealed that only Datuks are supposedly involved in the syndicate. There is no Tan Sri involved. All of them are businessmen and not politicians.
“My officers from Bukit Aman are co-ordinating with other officers in every state to go after those involved in the activities.”
“Is Suhakam professional enough to monitor the polls? Are they well-equipped? Who are they going to send?”
“I see this development because students want real changes. When the anti-establishment candidates controlled the student council, UM’s ranking among Asian universities dropped from 11th in 1997 to 27th in 2000. They succeeded in making changes this time.”
"There's not any more legal avenue, except for executive clemency," Anwar's lawyer Karpal Singh told reporters after the ruling.
"That's where the direction should go from here. He would file for pardon and I will ask him to do so," Reuters news service reports Singh saying.
My interest is not participating in politics right now," Anwar told the Australian Broadcasting Corporation's Foreign Correspondent program.
"My interest is national unity, peace, and we have to grapple with the complex issue of terrorism and the way Islam is being demonized," he said. (Full story):: Anwar forgives, but won't forget
A recent study* defines "spontaneous trait inference" as, when we talk about someone, that what we say is often transferred to us in the mind of the listener. In other words, people who talk poorly about others are often perceived by the listener to possess the same negative qualities they speak about.
That may sound unfair, but those who make a practice of speaking positively about others will be happy to learn that positive comments are even more likely to cause spontaneous trait inference. If you talk about the positive qualities of people, the listener will subconciously infer you possess those positive traits - unless, of course, your actions betray your words.
As part of their study, the group set up an experiment in which one group saw people talking about themselves and another group saw the same people say the same things about acquaintances. Both the participants who saw "Fred" say "I am shy" and participants who saw Fred say "Ethel is shy" thought Fred was shy.
Spontaneous trait inference only proves what your mother told you was good advice...if you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all. It's nothing new, but now it's got a fancy new name and some science to back it up.
Earl Nightingale, one of the greatest motivational speakers and writers in history, became the only non-entertainer to sell a million records. His record was titled, The Strangest Secret. The secret, he illustrated, had been well-known throughout history, yet few people seemed to be aware of it.
What was the secret? That we become what we think. Earl had spent twenty years searching for the reasons some people succeed and some people fail when he realized he had read the answer again and again. It was in the New Testament, in the sayings of Buddha, in the writings of Lao Tse, in the works of Ralph Waldo Emerson, and in hundreds of other writings - we reap what sow, we are the captain of our soul, we become what we think about.
Earl read the same thing in thousands of books until he finally realized, "We can’t become anything but what we think!"
James Allen put it this way, "A man is literally what he thinks, his character being the complete sum of all his thoughts."
It's clear then, that for us to be thought of well by others, we must speak well of others. Because what we say comes from our thoughts, we must first think well of others before we can speak well of them. Before we can think well of others, we must train ourselves to look for the good in others. And finally, because we most easily recognize in others that which we see in ourselves, we must begin by looking for the good in ourselves, not for vanity's sake, but to utilize our positive traits in positive and useful ways.
Sometimes it's way too easy to get down on ourselves when things don't go as we hope or expect. We can't let the ease of self-deprecation deny us from becoming who we want to become. Self-determination is our birthright, and no one but us can keep us from achievement. We only need to think rightly, for we become who we think we are. Or to put it another way, we think into existance who we become in the end.
So think and speak well of others, and people will think well of you. When you are thinking well of each other, a symbiotic relationship builds that can benefit both, whether the other person realizes the nature of your symbiosis or not, after all, we don't have to understand gravity keep from floating off into space.
*The study cited was published by John Skowronski, associate professor of psychology at Ohio State University, and his colleagues.
What you don't see with your eyes, don't witness with your mouth.
~ Jewish Proverb
The person who sends out positive thoughts activates the world around him positively and draws back to himself positive results.
~ Norman Vincent Peale
No matter where you go or what you do, you live your entire life within the confines of your head.
~ Terry Josephson
Act is the blossom of thought, and joy and suffering are its fruits. Cause and effect is as absolute and undeviating in the hidden realm of thought as in the world of visible and material things.
~ James Allen
The world we have created is a product of our thinking; it cannot be changed without changing our thinking.
~ Albert Einstein
The statement was the strongest indication since Anwar was released that the man who succeeded him as the heir to long-time premier Datuk Seri Dr Mahathir Mohamad sees no place for his former rival in the ruling United Malays National Organisation (UMNO).
"I have no intention of bringing him back to UMNO," Abdullah Ahmad Badawi told reporters after joining an aerobics workout on Sunday.
"I did not make any deal with Anwar, no deal involving the party or relating to his release."
Abdullah said UMNO had not taken any decision to bar Anwar from the party.
"I haven't got that kind of formal reaction from the party, but on the basis of what UMNO leaders have been talking, I can make the conclusion that they are not keen to have him back.
Construction of new Jelapang Toll Plaza begins next January... In IPOH, construction of a new toll plaza to replace the Jelapang Toll Plaza will start next January as soon as its design has been prepared by the Works Ministry.
Its deputy minister, Datuk Mohd Zin Mohamed, said Saturday the design work was expected to be completed by December.
Construction of the toll plaza was expected to take 30 months, he told reporters after attending a briefng by the Perak Public Works Department here.
Mohd Zin said the new toll plaza will be built based on the ministry's original proposal to eliminate the Jelapang Toll and the Ipoh Selatan Toll and provide a free alternative route for Ipoh residents.
He also said work to upgrade roads identified as dangerous throughout the country were still being implemented.
In Perak, some RM4 million have been spent to repair dangerous roads, including in Hilir Perak, Kerian, Kuala Kangsar, Larut Matang and Selama.
On Monday night, while still groggy from the operation that had ended just three hours earlier, he [DSAI] took unsteady steps back to his room with the support of friends. He was practically mobbed by family and friends who had set up a vigil at the hospital.
Smiling broadly, he said then: 'I am okay. I am a bit dizzy, and there is the operation pain. But not the back pain. It feels great. I consider this a miracle.'
To summarise our judgment, even though reading the appeal record, we find evidence to confirm that the appellants were involved in homosexual activities and we are more inclined to believe that the alleged incident at Tivoli Villa did happen, sometime, this court, as a court of law, may only convict the appellants if the prosecution has successfully proved the alleged offences as stated in the charges, beyond reasonable doubt, on admissible evidence and in accordance with established principles of law. We may be convinced in our minds of the guilt or innocence of the appellants but our decision must only be based on the evidence adduced and nothing else. In this case Azizan's evidence on the "date" of the incident is doubtful as he had given three different "dates" in three different years, the first two covering a period of one month each and the last covering a period of three months. He being the only source for the "date", his inconsistency, contradiction and demeanor when giving evidence on the issue does not make him a reliable source, as such, an essential part of the offence has not been proved by the prosecution. We also find the second appellant's confession not admissible as it appears not to have been made voluntarily. Even if admissible the confession would not support the "date" of the commission of the offences charged. We have also found Azizan to be an accomplice. Therefore corroborative evidence of a convincing, cogent and irresistable character is required. While the testimonies of Dr. Mohd. Fadzil and Tun Haniff and the conduct of the first appellant confirm the appellants' involvement in homosexual activities, such evidence does not corroborate Azizan's story that he was sodomised by both the appellants at the place, time and date specified in the charge. In the absence of any corroborative evidence it is unsafe to convict the appellants on the evidence of an accomplice alone unless his evidence is unusually convincing or for some reason is of special weight which we find it is not. Furthermore, the offence being a sexual offence, in the circumstances that we have mentioned, it is also unsafe to convict on the evidence of Azizan alone.
For all the above reasons, we are not prepared to uphold the conviction. Since the applicbale law in this case requires that the prosecution must prove its case beyond reasonable doubt before the defence may be called, the burden being the same as is required to convict the appellants at the end of the case for the defence, we are of the view that the High Court has misdirected itself in calling for the appellants to enter their defence. They should have been acquitted at the end of the case for the prosecution.
"We didn’t want to make a movie just for the locals. That is shiok sendiri (pleasing oneself). You will not go anywhere with it commercially. We need more eyeballs and Malaysia, with only 500,000 cinema-goers, would not be sufficient. We want to screen the movie world-wide."
"It will pave the way for Malaysia to be on the world map of filmmaking."
"RM15mil sounds like a lot of money. But given the film we were trying to make, it is not. Everybody just looked at the figure and said ‘Oh, so much money.’ But we had to achieve a lot with that RM15mil. Look at Troy - it costs about US$200mil (RM760mil) to make."
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